Wirekeep™ protects wire transfers.

Wirekeep is a secure repository for wire transfer information. We remove the need for calls and emails to exchange wire details, and enable independent verification of wire details by any sending bank or credit union.

Are you an Escrow Agency?

Wirekeep™ protects wire transfers

Assurance for all transaction participants

Money Receivers & Escrow Agents

Receivers (such as escrow agencies) use Wirekeep to safely set wire transfer details for specific transactions.

Banks & Credit Unions

Sending banks use Wirekeep to independently verify wire transfer details and prevent fraud.

Money Senders

Senders (such as real estate buyers) use Wirekeep to avoid scams, gain peace of mind and to safely view wire transfer details.

3-Way Wire Transfer Security

Wirekeep uses carrier-class security to allow transaction coordinators to safely store transaction-specific wire transfer details, which are then viewable and verifiable directly - without intermediary - by the sender and the sending bank. No emails, faxes, or phone calls needed.

Click here to learn more about our security measures.

Are you an Escrow Agency?

Join Wirekeep today and make wire transfers safer.

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